Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I see trees of green

Well our sales rep at Masterton has come back and found a landscaper for us so we have forwarded some rough sketches we had of what we wanted our gardens to look like... the cost of the plans is a bit cheaper than the original quote so that is something i suppose, oh and we were also told we won't be needing a flood report (did I already mention that?)

Hank looks so big and spacious but when we look at Nora, she seems quite small and tiny but i have read other blogs saying the same thing.

we're really just waiting now for the final drafts to be done and sent to the council.. so hopefully it should be sometime soon. I am assuming that building will not commence until late December or early next year.

Meanwhile, there needs to be some major cleanup to make space for the outlaws!

On a personal note, i start full time work next week... my boy has started childcare last week for 2 days a week and let's just say that this week has been really rough emotionally and physically for him and for me! i'm in his bad books at the moment for leaving him in the care of strangers so am feeling outcast and depressed.

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